nearly the end of April

Well. the potatoes at least.
Several weeks later than previous years, mr digandweed planted the last of the potatoes, a variety called Anya.
A cross between Desiree and Pink Fir Apple.
This is a new variety for us, so we are looking forward to trying it.
Also on the allotment, a dwarf plum tree, planted in memory of mum who loved flowers and plants.
I was a bit worried that this little tree was dead, because for weeks it was showing no signs of life, not even tiny buds.
 But all of a sudden over the past week, tiny little blossom have burst forth.


  1. Signs of Spring and renewal - at last! So pleased to hear the plum tree was just slumbering through the cold weather. The blossom looks beautiful.

  2. I am waiting for my two little apple trees to bloom. Everything seems to be at least two weeks behind but I'd rather wait and hope we don't have a late frost. Happy gardening! : )

    1. Hopefully the worst of the frosts have gone and your little apple trees will blossom soon.

  3. I've been similarly concerned about the lack of signs of life in a couple of established shrubs here but, fingers crossed, like your little plum, they'll pull through. There are more than enough existing gaps to fill!

  4. Love your photos - blossom on fruit trees is just as nice as the main event later in the year :)


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